What are the basic types of Lubrication System?

With this below Photograph, you can understand that there are several types of lubrication systems, which means we can lubricate different machines in different processes. 

  1. The first one is called Oil bath lubrication this is the common type of lubrication system used, It's a non-circulating system that works by maintaining proper oil level. So the system is very simple also there is no pump required, Once the Lubricant level goes down we just have to fill it with the required amount of lubricant.
  2. The second one is called Weak field lubrication hear generally we are using certain kinds of Cotton waste or maybe some kind of threads by which you lubricant is sucking from the sump or maybe from the container then directly it is going to the machines or maybe to the bearings / moving parts.
  3. The third one is called Dip feed lubrication In this process Lubricant is flowing because of the gravitational force. It's simple and less expensive.
  4.  Next is Oil splash lubrication here we are creating a little bit of maybe vacuum or maybe a little bit of pressure so that the oil is coming to the parts, that it is totally splitting into my parts and it is covering the whole meeting surface or maybe in between the interfacing surface it is entering.
  5. The fifth one is called the Circulating oil lubrication here we are using a pump so that it is taking out the lubricant from the separate sump to the mating parts, then again the oil depositing into the sump.
  6. Next one is Oil jet lubrication it's a circulating process where we are using certain kind of pressure so that the coil is passing through with every high velocity, The advantage of this that if there is any complex shapes or any complex places where that lubricant can't reach with the help of high-pressure it can reach each and every corner.
  7. The last one is Oil mist lubrication, In this case, we are using high pressure it may be air or Lubricant itself so that the Lubricant mixed with air and atomized properly.

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