What Is [ Lubrication ] ?

Lubrication is something like any kind of material which can lubricate in between the metal surface, Either that surface can directly come into the contact or maybe there is a lubrication which will act in between the two mating surfaces.

 DefinitionLubrication is the process or technique employed to reduce friction between surfaces in proximity and moving relative to each other, by interposing a substance called a lubricant in between them.

* This is mainly intended to minimize the wear of one or both of the surfaces.

*When lubrication breaks down, components can rub destructively against each other, causing heat, local welding, destructive damage and failure.

The objective of Lubrication :

Lubrication is done to reduce 

  • Wear and tear of surfaces.
  • Maintenance cost.
  • The heat from the bearing.
  • Unsmooth relative motion
  • Expansion of metal due to frictional heat.
  • Power loss

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